3.2 Nature Protection

Atanas Dimitrov Kiskinov

Contact person: 
Atanas Dimitrov Kiskinov
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection

Snezana Pavkovic

Contact person: 
Snezana Pavkovic
1.3 People-To-People Networking
3.2 Nature Protection
: %
Project summary:

The project aims at improvement of environmental protection in the cross-border area through enhanced waste management in the Municipalities of Svoge and Meroshina.

The planned activities are:

  1. Cross-border baseline survey of waste management system effectiveness and soils, air and water quality in the Municipalities of Svoge and Meroshina;
  2. Development of joint strategic and planning tools for waste management, municipal resource and know-how sharing for Svoge and Meroshina Municipalities;
  3. Delivery of communal equipment for improvement of waste management and soils, air and water quality in the Municipalities of Svoge and Meroshina;
  4. Organization of seminars for improvement of waste management and joint strategic action in the Municipalities of Svoge and Meroshina;
  5. Organization of cross-border information campaign on soils, air and water quality improvement measures in the Municipalities of Svoge and Meroshina.

Expected results:

  1. Improved waste management systems in the Municipalities of Svoge and Meroshina;
  2. Conducted and implemented cross-border baseline survey of waste management system effectiveness;
  3. Specialized communal equipment provided;
  4. Joint training events and information campaign organized.

Target groups:

  • Local population living in immediate proximity to illegal landfill and accumulations of solid wastes in the cross-border region, local authorities;
  • Local and regional stakeholders involved in waste management;
  • SME sector, NGO, residents of neighboring municipalities in the cross border region.


Vladimir Radev Angelkov

Contact person: 
Vladimir Radev Angelkov
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
3.2 Nature Protection

Ivan Petkovic

Contact person: 
Ivan Petkovic
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.2 Nature Protection
: %
Project summary:

The main project objectives are: - Improving the state of different types of forest habitats in the cross-border region; - Inclusion of young people from both countries in joint activities for practical solution of environmental problems related to conservation and sustainable management of forests and popularization of these activities among other social groups; - Creating and joint Database maintained by all project partners which to accumulate project results and data from scientific and applied research in the field of nature conservation.

Activities: Seminar for Awareness raising and willingness for cooperation of young people for forest preservation; Youth training course on nature protection; Afforestation campaign; Detecting and control of forest pests and diseases; Mapping, assessing and improving the status of valuable species' populations; Creation and exhibitions of herbarium of forest plants; Creating a joint Database of project activities' results; Development of Long-term Strategy for involvement of young people into activities for nature protection; Conference on the project result.

Results: New model for involvement of young people into activities for nature protection created; Basic skills on how to protect forest ecosystems acquired by 400 young people; 1000 forest and decorative saplings planted; Studying 10 ha forests for detecting and control of forest pests and diseases; Increased by 50% of 5 populations of valuable species; Joint Database containing project results established; Long-term Strategy for involvement of young people into activities for nature protection developed; One Seminar and one Conference implemented.

Website: https://cbc-forest.org/








Dejan Rancic

Contact person: 
Dejan Rancic
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection

Dragan Nikolic

Contact person: 
Dragan Nikolic
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.2 Nature Protection

Encho Enchev

Contact person: 
Encho Enchev
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection

Vesna Cvetkovic

Contact person: 
Vesna Cvetkovic
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.2 Nature Protection


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