3.2 Nature Protection

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Project summary:

The project aims to increase the capacity and to improve the awareness on environmental issues such as renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency.

Project activities:

  1. Kick-off conferences for familiarizing the target groups with the project and activities;
  2. Elaboration and printing handbooks on renewable energies best practices;
  3. Elaboration of 4 promotional movies on renewable energies;
  4. Organization of 6 promotional workshops on the topic “Introducing Renewable Energy as a tool for environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources in Vidin - Zajecar region”;
  5. Organization of trainings on renewable energy;
  6. Traveling workshops for visiting real examples and best practices;
  7. Elaboration of study “Policy recommendations for introducing renewable energy in Vidin - Zajecar region”;
  8. Renewable energy forum.

Expected outputs:

Enhanced capacity and better understanding of renewable energy as a tool for environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources; Presented best practices in the topic of renewable energy.

Target groups: SME's, local authorities, environmental organizations and institutions, owners of the renewable energy facilities, general public.


Yanka Aleksandrova

Contact person: 
Yanka Aleksandrova
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.2 Nature Protection

Boban Markovic

Contact person: 
Boban Markovic
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection
: %
Project summary:

The main project objectives are: - To strenghthen the capacity and create opportunities for environmental education in the cross border region; - To promote environmental awareness, responsible behavior, and eventually action through education; - To build a connection to the environment, and change the perceptions youth has on the environment.

The main project activities are: 1. Construct environmental education facilities in Vitosha Nature Park 2. Develop a handbook for environmental education 3. Organise training on how to use the developed handbook on environmental education 4. Conduct Travelling eco-school in the cross-border region 5. Organise OpenAir School in Vitosha Nature Park 6. Organise international competition “Nature – our common home” 7. Organise international conference on environmental education Apart from them a number of information and communication activities such as press conferences, a Facebook profile, media releases, production of promotional materials will be organised to spread the information about the project and its achievements.

Expected results are: 1. One open air classroom with interactive games 2. One open-air exhibition about the unique karst and caves in Vitosha 3. Renewed Karst Path in Vitosha 4. Developed handbook for environmental education in Serbian and Bulgarian language 5. At least 40 (20 Bulgarian and 20 Serbian) persons trained on how to deliver environmental education 6. 1400 children (600 Bulgarian and 600 Serbian pupils, and 100 Bulgarian and 100 Serbian kindergarten kids) with increased understanding of environmental issues 7. One educational film on protected nature with emphasis on Vitosha NP, the caves and karst 8. One educational video on waste and sustainable consumption 9. A set of informational materials for 3 age groups of children - 4-6, 7-10, 11- 14 in Bulgarian and Serbian 10. 1000 pupils (500 Bulgarian and 500 Serbian) with increased environmental awareness through their visit at Vitosha NP 11. Elaborated brochure – quiz “Young Explorer” (total 2000 copies in bg/rs) 12. Produced promotional materials for the children (back bags/ sacks, hats, badges – 1000 from each item) 13. One successfully conducted international competition 14. One exhibition with children creations 15. One successfully conducted joint conference on environmental education 16. Signed memorandum on actions towards enhancing environmental education and promoting it as a vital element for sustainable development of the Bulgarian-Serbian cross border region.

FB page: Udruženje građana "Plant" @UdruzenjeGradjanaPLANT









GPS coordinates of the open class room:

Latitude: 42.4967124

Longitude: 23.2283432


Anatoliev Parvanov Peter

Contact person: 
Anatoliev Parvanov Peter
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
3.2 Nature Protection

Milica Milosavljevic

Contact person: 
Milica Milosavljevic
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.2 Nature Protection
: %
Project summary:

The project is designed to stimulate nature protection in the Kula-Knjazevac area through joint initiatives for removal of unregulated dumpsites and building an eco-mindset in the cross-border population. Both migitative and preventive measures will be employed to: - increase waste collection capacity and frequency of service, - decrease municipal waste transported to landfills, - trigger a behavioral change in the cross-border society with respect to waste disposal.

The project aims at removing the root causes for unregulated dumpsites and improving municipal waste management through: - provision of modern equipment to increase waste collection capacity, - exchange of know-how and implementation of EU best practices into a joint action plan for waste management in the Kula-Knjazevac region, round table discussions and public debates; - awareness raising on all levels on the importance of individual and community contribution for protecting the environment in the Kula-Knjazevac region. My Green Home cross-border eco initiative will be initiated inviting all residents to participate in cleaning unregulated dumpsites and scattered waste. Special attention will be paid to young people through a joint school campaign to build an eco-mindset in the next generation.

The project will deliver: 3 joint interventions, addressing the preservation and restoration of the cross-border ecosystems, 5 education and awareness raising joint initiatives in the field of preservation and protection of natural heritage, biodiversity and landscape, 3 capacity building initiatives (exchange of experience and know-how) in the field of sustainable use of natural resources.

Project website: http://www.cglife.eu/en/


Ilia Gjonov

Contact person: 
Ilia Gjonov
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection

Vukosav Antonijevic

Contact person: 
Vukosav Antonijevic
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.2 Nature Protection

Emiliya Velinova Nikolova

Contact person: 
Emiliya Velinova Nikolova
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
3.2 Nature Protection


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