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https://ipa-bgrs.mrrb.bg је адреса нове веб странице Програма (ИНТЕРРЕГ VI-А) Бугарска - Србија 2021-2027, на којој сада можете пронаћи ажурне информације о његовој имплементацији


IMPORTANT NOTE: Revision of Guidelines for Applicants under the 2nd Call for Project Proposals under the Interreg - IPA CBC Bulgaria Serbia Programme 2014-2020


The Guidelines for Applicants under the 2nd Call for Project Proposals under the Interreg - IPA CBC Bulgaria Serbia Programme 2014-2020 were amended by a decision of the Monitoring Committee from 22 July 2023.


The revised Guidelines for applicants can be found HERE.

 You can contact the Joint Secretariat of the Programme for additional information:



Successful Forum Connects Partners for Project Concepts under the Territorial Strategy of INTERREG VI-A Bulgaria-Serbia 2021-2027 Program


On Wednesday, July 19th, at 2 p.m., in the "Gazela" Hall in Pirot, a Partner Search Forum for project concepts under the Territorial Strategy of the INTERREG VI-A Bulgaria-Serbia 2021-2027 Program was held. The event, organized as part of the Program's information campaign, provided an opportunity for organizations with project ideas but without established partner relationships to connect with other interested institutions.


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