Cancellation notice of a tender procedure with reference number CB007.2.13.225 – PР3 - Service 02


Cancellation of a tender procedure with reference: CB007.2.13.225 – PР3 - Service 02. Contract notice title: “Organization of events with two lots: Lot 01 “Organization of project events” and Lot 02 “Leading and moderating project events, facilitating the panels, provision of interpretation services during the events” Reason for cancellation: The tender procedure is cancelled on the basis of point 2.6.13 of PRAG. Given the continuing epidemiological situation in the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Serbia alternative methods for holding events and meetings by digital technologies, the need to organize and conduct the events described in the Terms of Reference (item 4.2 of Annex II: Terms of Reference) is reduced until the restrictions imposed by the pandemic are lifted. In regards to the above, the activities cannot be performed in their entirety, as provided in the Terms of Reference. The total estimated value of the tender includes the price of these events, as they would be held in person, and at this stage there is no way to determine how much the price would be reduced.

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