Young entrepreneurs of today - successful people of tomorrow

Project code:CB007.1.21.030
Project call:CB007.1
Priority axis / Specific objective:2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
Type of project:Soft
Project duration in months:15
Project final contract amount:182792.42 €
Project EU co-financing rate:85.00 %
Project start date:23.11.2016
Project end date:22.02.2018
Project intervention field:118 - Improving the labour market relevance of education and training systems...
Project summary:

The general objective of the project is: creating an attractive environment for youth in the CB region, promoting sustainable, long-term and joint business initiatives, including the promotion of entrepreneurship to the youth. Successful implementation of the TCs for unemployed young people, investing in their entrepreneurial skills and creating possibilities for future jobs in the region are among the specific project objectives.

The project envisages: Creating 2 fully equipped educational halls in Peturch and Pirot; 24 youths well trained in different professional and entrepreneurial activities; Development of a bilingual guide “Job finding and business plan preparation” guide in two parts: 1.) How to find your first job and 2.) How to prepare your own business plan. The bilingual guide will be in Bulgarian and Serbian and will be published in 1500 copies, to be distributed among the local communities of Peturch and Pirot and in other CB regions.


Leading partner
Local community center "New life 1919"
Sports club Pobednik