Reducing flooding related risk through rehabilitation of flood protection infrastructure in Dupnitsa and suppy of specialized equipment for floods prevention in Gadžin Han

Project code:CB007.1.31.316
Project call:CB007.1
Priority axis / Specific objective:3.1 Joint Risk Management
Type of project:Investment
Project duration in months:24
Project final contract amount:591871.03 €
Project EU co-financing rate:85.00 %
Project start date:23.11.2016
Project end date:22.11.2018
Project intervention field:087 - Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention and management of climate related risks e.g. erosion, fires, flooding, storms and drought, including awareness raising, civil protection and disaster management systems and infrastructures
Project summary:

The project objectives are as follows: 1. Repair and rehabilitation of flood protection infrastructure in Dupnitsa. 2. Supply of specialized equipment for flood prevention in Gadzin Han. 3. Reducing the risk of flooding related damages to urban territories. 4. Enhancing cross-border cooperation in prevention and management of climate related risks for local population.

Expected results: 1. Flood protection infrastructure in Dupnitsa repaired and rehabilitated. 2. Specialized equipment for flood protection purchased for Gadzin Han. 3. The risk of flooding related damages to urban territories reduced. 4. Cross-border cooperation in prevention and management of climate related risks for local population enhanced.


Leading partner
Municipality of Dupnitsa
Public Enterprise Directorate for Construction and Communal Affairs of the Municipality of Gadzin Han