Green step forward

Project code:CB007.2.32.066
Project call:CB007.2
Priority axis / Specific objective:3.2 Nature Protection
Type of project:Soft
Project duration in months:12
Project final contract amount:101675.53 €
Project EU co-financing rate:15.00 %
Project start date:03.08.2022
Project end date:02.08.2023
Project intervention field:085 - Protection and enhancement of biodiversity, nature protection and green infrastructure
Project summary:

The overall project objective is improving cooperation on both sides of the border through increasing of community capacity and awareness of the importance of nature protection and sustainable use of natural resources in CBC area.

The planned project activities are:

  1. Research of environmental friendly behavior;
  2. Informational campaign;
  3. Guidelines for environmental friendly behavior;
  4. Environmental awareness training;
  5. Brainstorming workshop for development of innovative eco initiatives;
  6. Training for protection of wild life and biodiversity;
  7. Training for raising awareness of water protection;
  8. Mapping of spring water fountains;
  9. Planting a tree event.

Expected results:

  1. Raised awareness on the importance of nature protection and sustainable use of natural resources in the CBC area through the conducted informative campaign; produced brochure on environmental risks and values; booklet (Guidelines for eco behavior); a map of spring water fountains; planting trees and setting up birdhouses.
  2. Improved cooperation on both sides of the border by increasing community capacity through trainings, creative workshop and exchanging experience and know-how.

Target groups:

  1. Local civil service organizations  from Zajecar and Vidin districts -25;
  2. Municipal employees in districts Zajecar and Vidin responsible for environmental issues - 15;
  3. Professors and students from high and elementary schools - 20;
  4. Employees in utilities companies -8;
  5. Associations of hunters, fishermen, animal protection, hikers, scouts, etc.- 25;
  6. Employees in institutions that manage natural resources - water, forests, nature parks, etc. - 5;
  7. Providers of tourist services in rural households - 12.


Leading partner
Timočki klub
Foundation "Phoenix - 21 century"