Digital Intangible cultural heritage

Project code:CB007.2.13.047
Project call:CB007.2
Priority axis / Specific objective:1.3 People-To-People Networking
Type of project:Soft
Project duration in months:12
Project final contract amount:130424.00 €
Project EU co-financing rate:85.00 %
Project start date:17.05.2019
Project end date:17.07.2020
Project intervention field:094 - Protection, development and promotion of public cultural and heritage assets
Project summary:

The overall objective of the project is to promote the intangible cultural heritage (ICH) of both regions through the use of modern ICT technologies. Specific objectives are to raise awareness of the target groups for the ICH; to create a unified CBC database for the ICH and to create prerequisites for the creation of new tourist products for intangible cultural heritage.

Planned activities:

  1. Selecting best 100 intangible culture heritages in Vidin and Zajecar district;
  2. Elaborating field studes for intangible cultural heritage in Vidin and Zajecar region;
  3. Video presenting 100 best ICH;
  4. Setting-up E-platform for intangible cultural heritage in Vidin and Zajecar District;
  5. Training "How to made a touristic product of ICH";
  6. Training for ”ICT as tool for promotion of intangible cultural heritage”;
  7. Festival "Digital intangible cultural heritage in Vidin and Zajecar District”;
  8. Intangible cultural heritage happening in Vidin.

Expected outcomes:

  1. Established unified CBC e-platform with a database on intangible cultural heritage;
  2. Increased awareness of the cross-border area of intangible cultural heritage.

Target groups of the project are the following organizations from the districts of Vidin and Zajecar: cultural organizations; museums; tour operators and tourist organizations; NGOs; local authorities.

Useful links:
Facebook page: Nematerijalna kulturna baština Zaječarskog okruga
Intangible Cultural Heritage MAP – Serbia:
Intangible Cultural Heritage MAP – Bulgaria:…/ich/ich-map-bulgaria


Leading partner
Association for tourism promotion - Vidin
Institute for Cross-border Areas