Development of diagnostic centres for postural and musculoskeletal disorders in school children in Serbia and Bulgaria

Project code:CB007.1.21.129
Project call:CB007.1
Priority axis / Specific objective:2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
Type of project:Investment
Project duration in months:24
Project final contract amount:577397.61 €
Project EU co-financing rate:85.00 %
Project start date:23.11.2016
Project end date:22.11.2018
Project intervention field:055 - Other social infrastructure contributing to regional and local development
Project summary:

The project aims to provide an integrated solution to the common challenge of exceptionally high proliferation of postural and musculoskeletal disordes /PMSDs/ in school-age children in the CB area. It envisages the development of a sustainable cross-border platform for preventive and remedial management of PMSDs through regular screenings, modern diagnostics and extracurricular programmes for enhancement of physical skills and promotion of healthy, active lifestyle.

The project envisages development of two diagnostic centers in Knjazevac and Vidin, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, allowing for rapid static and dynamic postural and spinal analyses. The facilities will offer non-invasive, radiation-free screening of school-age population in the area - 2000 children will be examined. The detected conditions will be treated by targetted courses of corrective gymnastics in accordance with a therapeutic methodology, specifically developed for the purposes of the project - total duration 720 hours. The positive results of therapeutic rehabilitation will be demonstrated during a common childrens sports event in Vidin - planned for 200 participants.

A conference in Knjazevac will be organized to raise public awareness of the proliferation of pediatric PMDs. An analytical report will be delivered providing recommendations for policy measures for sustainable improvement of physical skills, well-being and quality of life of young people in the cross-border area.

Project website:



Leading partner
Sports Association of Knjazevac
Municipality of Vidin