2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship

Miroslav Milosavljevic

Contact person: 
Miroslav Milosavljevic
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
: %
Project summary:

This project aims at fostering better understanding and collaboration between partners particularly in the area of addressing youth needs, improving their quality of life and preparing them to be successful, as well as creating stronger ties between the two partner municipalities of Boljevac and Chiprovtsi.

Planned activities: 1.Designing of Joint Logo; 2.Designing of a joint tri-lingual website; 3.Works on the youth-related facility (located in the Cultural-Educational Center (KOC) in Boljevac); 4.Reconstruction of two playgrounds and the adjacent green areas in Martinovo and Jelezna villages; 5.Elaboration of Study and analysis on the potential of the Cross-border region to reduce youth immigration; 6.Elaboration of Local Policy Guide on Youth Enterpreneurship; 7.Establishing of a shared workspace YES -- “Young Entrepreneurs Space”; 8.Workshop for young entrepreneurs in Boljevac; 9.“Children&Parents Services Entrepreneur”, Workshop in Chiprovtsi; 10.Workshop for women entrepreneurs in Boljevac; 11.Presentation for high-school students on enterpreneurship oportunities.     

By providing youth with proper facilities for their activities with the goal of creating an attractive learning and living environment, as well as with useful skills and knowledge will reduce immigration of young and creative people, and will make this region more competitive on the market.

Project website: www.grounds-future.com


Smiljka Jurasovic

Contact person: 
Smiljka Jurasovic
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking

Milena Andonova

Contact person: 
Milena Andonova
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking

Stoyan Stavrev

Contact person: 
Stoyan Stavrev
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.2 Nature Protection

Sinisa Simonovic

Contact person: 
Sinisa Simonovic
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
3.2 Nature Protection

Zikica Jovanovic

Contact person: 
Zikica Jovanovic
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.2 Nature Protection

Sasa Milenkovic

Contact person: 
Sasa Milenkovic
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship

Marija Djosic

Contact person: 
Marija Djosic
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
3.2 Nature Protection

Ivalco Stancev

Contact person: 
Ivalco Stancev
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking


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