The Joint Monitoring Committee meeting for approval of projects under the First Call took place in Bozhurishte


The Joint Monitoring Committee meeting under the Interreg-IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria - Serbia took place on the 15th of July 2016 at the “Hristo Botev 1934” community centre in Bozhurishte, Bulgaria. The main goal of the meeting was to approve the list of projects proposed for financing under the First Call for project proposals.

The meeting was chaired by Ms. Denitsa Nikolova, Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, and co-chaired by Ms. Sanda Simic, Assistant Director at the European Integration Office of the Republic of Serbia.

Due to a record high interest in the Program and the high level of technical quality of a numerous received proposals, the Joint Monitoring Committee approved reallocation of additional financial resources from the financial allocation for the year 2018, amounting to the total of 18 570 429 euro for the First Call. The increased budget will suffice for financing 36 joint cross-border projects, distributed into the three main priority axes: Sustainable tourism, Youths, and Environment.

Detailed presentation of projects approved for financing can be found HERE.

Prior to contracting the Programme representatives will perform:

  1. Double financing check, indicative timing: July-August 2016;
  2. State aid check (for Bulgarian partners only), indicative timing: July-August 2016;
  3. Site visits (for investment proposals only), indicative timing: July-August 2016;
  4. Negotiations, indicative timing: September 2016.

The lists of projects approved for financing by the Joint Monitoring Committee can found here:

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