
Tender procedure for Small scale construction


Municipality of Оryahovo announce a tender procedure for Small scale construction in the museum-house in Oryahovo and its turning into museum-house of Diko Iliev and brass musicians within project CB007.1.11.273

Deadline for submitting tenders: 31.03.2017, 16:00



Pernik Regional Administration announces cancellation of works tender procedure for Reconstruction of the old building "Museum of masks"in Kosharevo village, Kosharevo village, Breznik municipality, Bulgaria/ Interreg - IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – Serbia 2014- 2020.


Tender for “Rehabilitation of flood protection infrastructure in Dupnitsa”


Municipality of Dupnitsa announces competitive negotiated tender procedure for “Rehabilitation of flood protection infrastructure in Dupnitsa”.

Deadline for submission of tenders: 24.03.2017,17:00 h


Competitive negotiated tender procedure


Association for Development of Children and Youth - OPEN CLUB announces a competitive negotiated tender procedure for Service contract: "Travel, Accommodation, Catering, Rent of Hall and Equipment for Events", Publication reference No 2014TC16I5CB007-2015-1-012-TD2, within the project "Youth Riders", No 2014TC16I5CB007-2015-1-012, reference number CB007.1.22.012.


Deadline for submission of tenders: 23.03.2017. at 16:00 (UTC+01:00)


Tender for Organization of events


Local community center "New life 1919"  announces tender for Organization of events – transportation, catering, and accommodation under project “Young entrepreneurs of today - successful people of tomorrow”, the village of Peturch, Kostinbrod municipality, Sofia district, Bulgaria

For full details of the tendering procedures, please see the Practical Guide and its annexes, which may be downloaded from the following website: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/prag/document.do


Service tender procedure


Municipality of Montana announces tender procedure for Curriculum, events and trainings, “Prevention of the demographic collapse in the cross border region”, with ref. № CB007.1.21.288, Montana, Bulgaria

Applications must be submitted using the standard application form, the format and instructions of which must be strictly observed. The application form is available from the following Internet address:

Organization of events


SA “WINNER” (SU "POBEDNIK"), Republic of Serbia annaounces competitive negotiated tender procedure with ref: CB007.1.21.030-PP2-TD1 for Organization of events – transportation, catering, accommodation under project “Young entrepreneurs of today - successful people of tomorrow”, location - Pirot, Republic of Serbia.

Construction works for outdoor facilities


Construction works for outdoor facilities of Professional School of clothing and tourism "St. Ivan Rilski" and Professional school of energy and mining "Hristo Botev" in Pernik within project CB007.1.21.040

CB007.1.21.040- PP2- Works 1

Reconstruction of medieval fortress "Kale" (upper and middle town and part of down town)


City of Pirot intends to award a work contract for Reconstruction of medieval fortress "Kale" (upper and middle town and part of down town) in Pirot, Pirot's district, Republic of Serbia, with financial assistance from the INTERREG IPA CBC Bulgaria-Serbia, First Call for proposals No 2014TC16I5CB007-2015-1

Publication reference : 2014TC16I5CB007-2015-1-124/LP-TD01

CORRIGENDUM No: 1 to the Delivery and installation of equipment for interactive exhibition of cultural historical heritage in Palilula


City municipality of Palilula publishes CORRIGENDUM No: 1 to the INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS with Publication Ref:РД 02–29–273/22.11.2016./PP2/TD4 about Delivery and installation of equipment for interactive exhibition of cultural historical heritage in Palilula (link to original documentation here)



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