1.3 People-To-People Networking

Miljana Nenadov

Contact person: 
Miljana Nenadov
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection
: %
Project summary:

The project aims to support the human resource development in the field of tourism in the CB region.

Planned activities:

  1. Development of an e-learning capacity building programme in the tourist sector at the target cross-border region;
  2. Development of a tourism e-learning modules and content for enhancing knowledge and practical skills of HR in the field of tourism;
  3. Design and development of a “Tourism E-learning” platform, including E-Cooking Library part and “Beverages E- Library” part;
  4. Demonstration of the Tourism e-learning platform;
  5. Two Joint HR Trainings “Good practices in sustainable tourism management” and „Traditional meals and beverages of the common cross-border region";
  6. Final cross-border event for sharing experience and best practices.

Expected outputs:

  1. Developed E-learning capacity building Programme in Tourist Sector at the Target Cross-Border Region here;
  2. Developed platform for Tourism E-learning with 3 main section - E-learning modules and content, E-Cooking library; Beverages E-library here;
  3. Organized 2 demonstration days;
  4. Organized 2 Joint HR trainings;
  5. Conducted 1 Final cross-border event for sharing experience and best practices.

Target groups of the project are:

  1. SME-s working in or related to the tourism industry in the target cross-border region (hotels and restaurant owners, private accommodations, fast-food providers, pastries, bakeries, food producers including farmers, etc.);
  2. Tourist agencies working in the target cross-border region;
  3. Business Support organizations, NGO-s, branch associations and other organizations that are conducting their activities in relation to the tourism industry development;
  4. Educational institutions of the border region such as universities, technical high schools (with tourism profile), training and vocational training organizations.

Website: https://etourism-bgrs.com/

FB page: here


Kalina Hristova Valova

Contact person: 
Kalina Hristova Valova
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.1 Joint Risk Management
3.2 Nature Protection
: %
Project summary:

Project’s General Objective is “to empower local gastronomy as an integral part of sustainable tourism offer in the border communities through joint actions”. Project specific objectives are: - To raise awareness on local gastronomy as overarching factor of sustainable use of cross-border cultural heritage, contributing to OI 1.3.1; - To support promotion of common traditions thorough cross-border gastronomy events, contributing to OI 1.3.3.

Project activities are designed in order to achieve outpust in most effective and efficient way. Project implementation begins with awareness raising events in order to inform the wider audience and professionals about values and potentials of local gastronomy in Stara planina. By implementing social media campaign project will provide constant appearance toward target market. Collection of 50 most representative recipes and its further interpretation in video Cook guide and Cookbook will be presented to wider public using project promotional channels. Elaboration of Study on gastronomy as driving force for innovative tourism will improve knowledge of gastronomy and its potential usage, provide guidance and raise awareness. Cooking shows will be organized as final events and will provide possibility of inteaction of wider public with project results.

Main results are reflected in the fact that carefully designed awareness raising initiative will be coordiately implemented. Awareness raising workshops will be held, social media campaign impelmented, 50 most representative recipes of Stara planina will be elaborated, video Cook guide and Cookbook will be produced and Study on gastronomy as driving force for innovative tourism will be elaborated. As joint evens aiming at promotion and cultivation of common tradition, cooking shows will be organized.

Useful links:
Website: www.tasteofstaraplanina.com
FB page: Ukus Stare planine
YouTube videos:


Marija Djosic

Contact person: 
Marija Djosic
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
3.2 Nature Protection

Vukosav Antonijevic

Contact person: 
Vukosav Antonijevic
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
2.2 People-To-People Networking
3.2 Nature Protection

Antoaneta Angelova Stoilova

Contact person: 
Antoaneta Angelova Stoilova
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking

Aleksandar Repedzic

Contact person: 
Aleksandar Repedzic
1.3 People-To-People Networking
2.1 Skills & Entrepreneurship
3.2 Nature Protection

Milena Milosevic Micic

Contact person: 
Milena Milosevic Micic
1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
1.2 Cross-Border Touristic Product:
1.3 People-To-People Networking
3.2 Nature Protection
: %
Project summary:

The overall project objective is boosting the tourism potential of the cross-border region through sustainable use of natural, cultural and historical resources by involving local communities and tourist providers.

Project specific objectives are: strengthening the awareness of sustainable and responsible tourism development in the border region; fostering recognition of the destination by joint collaborating actions exploring the natural, cultural and historical resources; enhancing the cultural interaction and networking among local communities; creating an interactive environment for collaboration and capacity building activities in the tourism and supporting industries.


Project activities:

  1. Business Model Generator (BMG) for sustainable use of the potential of natural and cultural heritage resources in the border region by involvement of local stakeholders;
  2. Quest Tours - innovative promotion of cross-border natural and cultural heritage;
  3. Elaboration of an online platform “www.QuesTour.eu” and а mobile application;
  4. Online trainings for sustainable tourism management;
  5. Workshop “Best practices in sustainable tourism development and the “QuesTour” approach”;
  6. “QuesTour” design competition for young people;
  7. “QuesTour” Festival.

Project results and outputs:

  1. Mapping the unexplored resources and intangible heritage in the border region;
  2. Datasheets “Heritage”;
  3. Analysis on the willingness of local communities, enterprises/business and authorities to contribute to the promotion of identified resources;
  4. Datasheets “Stakeholders”;
  5. BMG for sustainable use of the potential of natural and cultural heritage resources in the border region;
  6. Elaborated QuesTour platform and Android application;
  7. Elaborated 3 scenarios for Quest Tours;
  8. Digitalised content, incl. 3 thematic video-films;
  9. Organised 3 thematic Quest Tours;
  10. Organised online training courses in sustainable tourism management;
  11. Organised workshop ‘Best practices in sustainable tourism development and the “QuesTour” approach;
  12. Organised “QuesTour” design competition for young people;
  13. Organised “QuesTour” Festival.

Main target groups that will benefit from the project results and outputs are: Residents of the cross-border region covering the area of 6 districts from Bulgaria, 7 districts from Serbia; Tourist organisations/enterprises/associations in the region; Youth organisations.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QuestourProject

Web: https://questour-project.eu/bg/

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=questour.com

Publications: https://www.actualno.com/scene/transgranichen-festival-vyv-vraca-shte-pokaje-kulturata-obichaite-i-tradiciite-ot-dvete-strani-na-bylgaro-srybskata-granica-news_1613238.html



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