Today, 21.09.2020, the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Serbia Programme celebrates the European Cooperation Day and 30 years anniversary from the beginning of the crossborder cooperation programmes. Within a joint online event under the heading “Together we can do more” under three of the CBC programmes – with Republic of Serbia, Republic of North Macedonia and Republic of Turkey, on which our country is a Managing Authority, will be presented the achieved results until now and successfully implemented projects. Official greetings for the event will be made by Mrs. Lena Pench, Director in the European Commission's DG Regional and Urban Policy Department, HE Mr. Dimiter Tzantchev, Permanent Representative of Republic of Bulgaria to the European Union, Ms. Denitsa Nikolova, Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, Mr. Mihajilo Dašić, Assistant Minister of European Integration, Republic of Serbia and Mr. Faruk Kaymakcı, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Turkey. The event will be life-streamed today at 16.00 (Bulgarian time), on the Facebook pages of the three programmes: , and .