Recreative and sports sites as tourist potential of the region

Project code:CB007.1.11.143
Project call:CB007.1
Priority axis / Specific objective:1.1 Tourist Attractiveness
Type of project:Investment
Project duration in months:18
Project final contract amount:588460.10 €
Project EU co-financing rate:85.00 %
Project start date:23.11.2016
Project end date:22.05.2018
Project intervention field:094 - Protection, development and promotion of public cultural and heritage assets
Project summary:

Overall project objective is improving of tourist attraction of Pirot and Varshets throw a new approach in promotion of tourist offer. Specific objectives are: 1.Construction of new tourist sites as a additional tourism offer in two towns 2.Improvment of cross border tourist promotion of active tourism.

Planned activities: Realization of attraction site "rope park" in Varshets, Realization of Recreative and Sports sites in Varshets,Construction of amusement" adrenalin"park in Pirot town,Development of stategic plan for improvment of sport tourism offer in CBC region Varshets-Pirot,Patner forum and exchange visit of project stakeholders,Workshops and capacity buiding, Promotion of project results and evaluation of implemented activities.

The outcomes of the project: constructed facilities which means :1 complete constructed site "adrenalin park"in Pirot and 2 small constructions and 4 installed equipments in Varshets Benefits achived are seen throw inprovment of tourist attracions of both town,inceasing of number of visitors and higher level of sport-recreative offer in cross border region.


Leading partner
Municipality of Varshets
Sport center Pirot