
Simplified procedure for organisation of events


Association Regional partnerships for sustainable development - Vidin, project “Virtual reality and education for tourism development”, project number: CB007.2.13.212 announces simplified procedure for services, type A2, with ref.: CB007.2.13.212-Organisation of events and subject: Organisation of events within project “Virtual reality and education for tourism development”, project number: CB007.2.13.212.

Term for submission of offers: From the date when the tender must be published: 01.10.2019 until the end of the mentioned in the tender term – 31.10.2019, 17:00 o’clock EET

Service contract award notice


Service contract award notice for "Organization of events” simplified procedure within Project №CB007.2.32.170 “For everyone saved a tree (FOREST)”.

Award notice for “Organization of events”


Award notice for “Organization of events” within project NeCB007.2.32.170 “For everyone saved a tree (FOREST)”, Priority Axis: 3. Environment, Specific Objective: 3.2. Nature Protection, Type of project: Soft, co- funded by EU through the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria — Serbia Programme 2014 — 2020.

Simplified procedure for organisation of events


Association Regional partnerships for sustainable development - Vidin, project Taste of Stara Planina, project number: CB007.2.13.035 announces Simplified procedure for services, type A2, with ref.: CB007.2.13.035-Organisation of events and subject: Organisation of events within project Taste of Stara Planina CB007.2.13.035

Term for submission of offers: From the date when the tender must be published: 27.09.2019 until the end of the mentioned in the tender term – 29.10.2019, 17:00 o’clock EET.

“Supply of multi-functional machine for external area maintenance” under project CB007.2.32.142 “Preservation and restauration of CBC ecosystems through improvement of the quality of river waters and soils” 19.09.2019


“Supply of multi-functional machine for external area maintenance” under project CB007.2.32.142 “Preservation and restauration of CBC ecosystems through improvement of the quality of river waters and soils” funded under Interreg – IPA-CBC Bulgaria-Serbia Programme, CCI № 2014TC16I5CB007”, Identification CB007.2.32.142 – BL 5.1.1 – Supply - 1

Service contract award notice


Faculty of Economics in Niš announces Service contract award notice for “Organization of events”, publication reference: РД-02-29-86/16.05.2019 EKN 02.

Corrigendum no. 1 under publication ref. no. CB007.2.32.170-SERV-01 for “Organization of events”


Corrigendum no. 1 under publication ref. no. CB007.2.32.170-SERV-01 for “Organization of events”, within project no. CBO007.2.32.170 “For everyone saved a tree (FOREST)”, Priority Axis: 3. Environment, Specific Objective: 3.2. Nature Protection, Type of project: Soft, co-funded by EU through the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria—Serbia Programme 2014 - 2020.

Local open tender for: Supply of joint integrated system for early warning of floods within project No CB007.2.31.178 “Setting up of a system for prevention and early warning of floods”, financed under Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Serbia Programme


Municipality of Etropole announces a local open tender procedure for: Supply of joint integrated system for early warning of floods within project No CB007.2.31.178 “Setting up of a system for prevention and early warning of floods”, financed under Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Serbia Programme, reference number: CB007.2.31.178 – Etropole – B3 – 1.

Tender procedure for “Organization of events"


Association “Soul of the Balkans” Knjazevac announces tender procedure for “Organization of events”, under the project CB007.2.13.045 “Joint initiatives and capacity building for improvement of “Soul of the Balkans” wine rout”.

Reference No: CB007.2.13.045 – SoB 03/19

Simplified tender procedure "Event Management for organization and logistics of Via Militaris project events"


AED Kostinbrod announces a simplified tender procedure for "Event Management for organization and logistics of Via Militaris project events".

Project reference: CB007.2.12.032 - 2019 - 1


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